Friday, February 11, 2011


Hello Everybody!!!!

Welcome to Room 10 2011. What a great start to the year that we have had. So many changes. I know we all love being in our brand new class, and are all seriously enjoying the air conditioning on these hot summer days.
We have so many awesome things planned for us this year. Learning about our culture this term, the power of the brain in term 2, Rugby World Cup for term 3, and finally camp in term 4.
Thank you to everybody for being on to it with stationery this year. It's great to start the year with everyone having the right equipment. Shows we're all ready to learn!
Remember to keep going on Mathletics this year. Let's try and beat all of the other classes, especially Rm 9 and Rm 19!!! If you have forgotten your log on details, let me know and I will pass them on to you.
Would love to hear comments from you all regarding our awesome work that is going to be displayed on our blog. Please remember no last names :)
Looking forward to working with you all to create a year full of awesome learning experiences.

Your Awesome Teacher :o)

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